Friday, September 9, 2011

Blog Title

So, after some thought when speaking to a dear friend she does  not like the term “Bucket List” due that too many people are using the term as reasons to accomplish tasks before they pass on to the next plain and making their family and friends feel bad in the process.  Most family members don’t mind helping those out who are coming to the end of their journey here on Earth, but when they are pushed into feeling guilty it creates friction and resentment.  


So, to honor my cherished friend, I am going to change what I have called my list and rethink some of the things I have listed.  She doesn’t want a list, just for people to remember her and her goodness and love toward her friends and family.  This is only ONE way that I am going to show my admiration for her and change the title of my blog.


I want to do and see things, some with my family, some with my friends, and some alone.  I think the word ‘list’ is okay but it needs more.  Something to reflects me. The only other term I have heard for a bucket list is “Life List” but I really don’t feel that title fits me.


This should be interesting.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Awesome surprise today when I weighed in.  I had to go to the Winston-Salem office since my normal group won't be meeting b/c of Labor Day.  
The nice receptionist smile and said congrats on loosing 1.4! I was like, 
"Really?" and she was like "Yes." 
"Yes, it is."
"No, I got my 5%, see?!?!?" as I showed her my PP Weight Record.
"That's great, here is your 5% things. Are you staying for the meeting?"
"No thanks, I have some errands to run, but thank you so much." 
I left with a wave and a smile - a VERY big smile and a bounce in my step.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

200 Party!

I have decided that I am going to have a 200 Party!  What this means, is when I get to 200 pounds I will have a party for my friends and family to join me in my celebration.  I haven't seen 200 pounds since I gave birth to Michael 12 year and 9 months ago!  I think this is a very big deal for me and see all reasons to celebrate it.  Since I can't tell when it will be I do have some time to plan.  I have 20.4 pounds to go, but slow and steady is going to get this weight off of me!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Awesome Start!

Well, I have to say, that I was surprised at the number the lady told me today when weighed in this evening. I lost 4.6lbs this past week!!!! Yay me!!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Step #1 Has Begun

Step #1 that I am taking to get to a healthy BMI is to join Weight Watchers, and so I have.
This is my 3rd time doing the program & I lost weight the first 2 times that I was with them, so I know it works, I just have to continue to stick with this time.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Goal #1

To be able to wear any of the pants in that bottom drawer - but a belt is required to keep them on.

There has been a change!!!

I am excited. I have a new #1 for my Bucket List. It is a very good one at that.


This is it. This is the time. I have tried several times and have stopped, but this will be the time. No ifs, ands or butts about it.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

31 Days!

Well, I did it. I ate no meat for 31 days! :)
Last night I had French Onion Soup and a very small bite of Emma's steak from Longhorn.
The soup was good as always. The steak - well, let's just say that the texture of the steak was odd. Nothing wrong with it, it just felt odd chewing it. I know it's because of not eating it for a time period but I didn't think it would have caught me that far off guard.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Meatless Mande Still Going Strong!

Yeah me! I am on Day 9 and doing awesome! Yesterday, I began reading The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone after Nikki told me about it. She said it wasn't 'preachy' just informative. So far, she has been right.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Going Meatless & ACV

Well 5 days ago I decided to stop eating meat. Why? Idk, cause I felt like it. I'll let you know how that goes. Did you know that your gas don't stink if you don't eat meat? Weirdest thing! Oh, I am not looking at this as "Going Vegetarian" I am looking at this as "Going Meatless". Makes me feel better for whatever goofy brain reason.

Yesterday I spoke with a co-worker about the stuff she drinks everyday. I didn't know much about it then, but I do now. It's called the Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktail. I Googled "bragg apple cider vinegar diet" and got lots of links from the "recipe" itself to forums on how it has changed people's lives. My co-worker hasn't had a cold in 2 years!!!!! Not to mention the weight she has lost. So, last night I went to Winston to Whole Foods and got me a bottle of Bragg ACV & a jar of NC Raw Clover honey for taste. I think I may just eat the honey straight from the jar when I have a sweet craving. That flavor is worth the $4.99 I paid for the small jar! The taste of the cocktail isn't bad, but it will take some getting use too.