Friday, September 9, 2011

Blog Title

So, after some thought when speaking to a dear friend she does  not like the term “Bucket List” due that too many people are using the term as reasons to accomplish tasks before they pass on to the next plain and making their family and friends feel bad in the process.  Most family members don’t mind helping those out who are coming to the end of their journey here on Earth, but when they are pushed into feeling guilty it creates friction and resentment.  


So, to honor my cherished friend, I am going to change what I have called my list and rethink some of the things I have listed.  She doesn’t want a list, just for people to remember her and her goodness and love toward her friends and family.  This is only ONE way that I am going to show my admiration for her and change the title of my blog.


I want to do and see things, some with my family, some with my friends, and some alone.  I think the word ‘list’ is okay but it needs more.  Something to reflects me. The only other term I have heard for a bucket list is “Life List” but I really don’t feel that title fits me.


This should be interesting.

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